Our section is currently involved in several ESN projects. 


The current flagship project of ESN International is the ESNCard, which is the official card to get you all the benefits from our partners. You can find more information about our current partners on esncard.org, our national partners on esn-cz.cz or some of the local partners on our website. We're working on expanding our partnerships even beyond the ESNCard but every time we score a new discount partner, we try to incorporate the ESNCard into the mix.


This is another project with former ESN International coverage - its aim is to bring the exchange students closer to the local community. This can be achieved in many different ways - through education, charity, and many more. You can get much better idea about it through this website. Our local section is heavily focused on educational and charity projects. You'll see our activities thoughout the year posted ina blog related to SocialErasmus here.

Language courses

Language courses are a local project of ESN VŠTE Budweis focused on providing an insight into foreign languages to the local students. Its main principle - students teaching students - is realised weekly through lessons of various foreign languages  (such as Turkish, Russian, Spanish, or English). Information about Language courses will be available on our Facebook profile and also in this blog.

Other projects

ESN International promotes other projects, too. Mov'in Europe and ExchangeAbility as the most notable ones. Mov'in Europe is focused on promoting international mobility in various programmes and ExchangeAbility is dedicated to facilitating the exchange for people with any kind of physical or mental disability. We currently lack the manpower or the ideas to implement these projects however if you happen to have some ideas in these departments, feel free to share them with us.